My main research line is to investigate the diversity of macroevolutionary patterns and processes in the evolution of vertebrates. My research decipher morphological variation using different methods from classical approaches in comparative anatomy to complex 3D geometric morphometrics. I work on several vertebrate clades focusing on complex phenomena, such as allometry, or analyzing the components of morphological variation through artificial selection. My current projects concern :
- Development of defense strategies in Vertebrates.
- Evolution of Paleogene predatory mammals (mostly Carnivora).
- Biomechanics and anatomy of Glyptodont tails using palaeo-robotics.
- Impact of gigantism on the morphology of Xenarthrans (skull and brain).
- Early results of artificial selection in Cichlids (behaviour, genomics, phenomics).
- Interaction between South American Megafauna and humans.
- Pleistocene lithic materials from Venezuela.
- Petrosal shape of Cetaceans.
- Endocranial anatomy of Sirenians.
- Impacts of domestication on anatomy in different groups.
- Impact of metamorphosis on the shape of the mandible in Caudata.
- Evolution of marine reptile (dentition and vertebrae).