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Paläontologisches Institut


Dr. Marc Leu

  • Submitted publication as first author (peer-reviewed):
  • Marc Leu, Elke Schneebeli-Hermann, Øyvind Hammer, Franz-Josef Lindemann and Hugo Bucher. Lower Triassic conodonts and palynomorphs from Stensiöfjellet, Svalbard. Submitted in Lethaia.
  • Marc Leu, Morgane Brosse, Aymon Baud, Ghulam Bhat, Torsten Vennemann, Hugo Bucher and Nicolas Goudemand. 2024. Conodont-based high resolution biochronology of the largest carbon isotope excursions of the Mesozoic, at the Smithian-Spathian boundary (Early Triassic) in Guryul Ravine, Kashmir, Northern India. Submitted in Gondwana Research.
  • Publications as first author (peer-reviewed):
  • Leu Marc, Bucher Hugo and Goudemand Nicolas 2019. Clade-dependent size response of conodonts to environmental changes during the late Smithian extinction. Earth-Science Reviews, 195, 52-67. Link
  • Leu Marc. Conodont taxonomy, quantitative biochronology and evolutionary trends during the Smithian-Spathian interval (Early Triassic). Diss. University of Zurich, 2021.
  • Leu Marc, Bucher Hugo, Vennemann Torsten, Bagherpour Borhan, Cheng Ji, Brosse Morgane and Goudemand Nicolas. A Unitary Association-based conodont biozonation of the Smithian-Spathian boundary (Early Triassic) and associated biotic crisis from South China. Swiss J Palaeontol 141, 19 (2022). Link
  • Leu Marc, Bucher Hugo, Baud Aymon, Vennemann Torsten, Luz Zoneibe, Hautmann Michael and Goudemand Nicolas. 2023. An expanded Smithian-Spathian (Lower Triassic) boundary from a reefal build‐up record in Oman: implications for conodont taxonomy, high‐resolution biochronology and the carbon isotope record. Papers in Palaeontology, 9(1), e1481. Link
  • Conference abstracts as first author:
  • Leu Marc, Baud Aymon, Brosse Morgane, Goudemand Nicolas, Vennemann Torsten, Meier Max, Bhat Ghulam and Bucher Hugo. 2014, August. Earthquake induced soft sediment deformation (seismites): new data from the Early Triassic Guryul Ravine section (Kashmir). In Geophysical Research Abstracts (p. 1). Copernicus Publications. Link
  • Leu Marc, Bucher Hugo, Goudemand Nicolas. 2016. New evidence from the Northern Indian margin does not support a conodont Lilliput effect at the Smithian-Spathian boundary extinction event. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs. Vol 48, No. 7, Paper No. 225-15.
  • Marc Leu, Hugo Bucher, Nicolas Goudemand. 2017. CONTRASTING SIZE TRENDS IN CONODONTS DURING THE SMITHIAN-SPATHIAN BOUNDARY EXTINCTION. ICOS (International Conodont Symposium), 25-30 June, Valencia, Spain.
  • Leu Marc, Bucher Hugo, Bagherpour Borhan, Ji Cheng and Goudemand Nicolas. 2019, January. Conodont quantitative biochronology (Unitary Associations) of the Smithian-Spathian boundary in South China and the definition of the base of the Spathian (Early Triassic). In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 21).
  • Marc Leu, Hugo Bucher, Aymon Baud, Torsten Vennemann, Zoneibe Luz, Michael Hautmann and Nicolas Goudemand. 2022. AN EXPANDED SMITHIAN-SPATHIAN (EARLY TRIASSIC) BOUNDARY FROM A REEFAL BUILD-UP RECORD IN OMAN: IMPLICATIONS FOR CONODONT TAXONOMY, HIGH-RESOLUTION BIOCHRONOLOGY AND CARBON ISOTOPE RECORD. ICOS 5 (International Conodont Symposium), 24-27 June 2022,Wuhan, China.
  • Leu Marc, Brosse Morgane, Baud Aymon, Bhat Ghulam, Vennemann Torsten, Bucher Hugo and Goudemand Nicolas. 2023. Guryul Ravine and its treasures beyond the PTB. "ACROSS THE END-PERMIAN GREAT EXTINCTION: FROM FIELD STUDIES TO SCIENTIFIC RESULTS", UNIVERSITY OF LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND, AUGUST 29 TO SEPTEMBER 2, 2023.

Co-authored publications (peer-reviewed):

  • Morgane Brosse, Aymon Baud, Ghulam Mohmmad Bhat, Hugo Bucher, Marc Leu, Torsten Vennemann, Nicolas Goudemand. 2017. Conodont-based Griesbachian biochronology of the Guryul Ravine section (basal Triassic, Kashmir, India). Geobios, 50(5-6), pp.359-387. Link
  • Borhan Bagherpour⁠⁠, Hugo Bucher⁠, Dong-xun Yuan⁠, Marc Leu⁠, Chao Zhang⁠, Shuzhong Shen. 2018. Early Wuchiapingian (Lopingian, late Permian) drowning event in the South China block suggests a late eruptive phase of Emeishan large Igneous Province. Global and Planetary Change, 169, pp.119-132. Link
  • Nicolas Goudemand, Carlo Romano, Marc Leu, Hugo Bucher, Julie A. Trotter, Ian S. Williams. 2019. Dynamic interplay between climate and marine biodiversity upheavals during the early Triassic Smithian -Spathian biotic crisis. Earth-Science Reviews, 195, pp.169-178. Link
  • Borhan Bagherpour, Hugo Bucher, Torsten Vennemann, Elke Schneebeli-Hermann, Dong-xun Yuan, Marc Leu, Chao Zhang, and Shuzhong Shen. 2020. Are late Permian carbon isotope excursions of local or of global significance? GSA Bulletin, 132(3-4), pp.521-544. Link
  • Elke Schneebeli‑Hermann, Borhan Bagherpour, Torsten Vennemann, Marc Leu and Hugo Bucher. 2020. Sedimentary organic matter from a cored Early Triassic succession, Georgetown (Idaho, USA). Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, pp.1-16. Link
  • Philipp Widmann, Hugo Bucher, Marc Leu, Torsten Vennemann, Borhan Bagherpour, Elke Schneebeli-Hermann, Nicolas Goudemand and Urs Schaltegger. 2020. Dynamics of the largest Carbon Isotope Excursion During the Early Triassic Biotic Recovery. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, p.196. Link
  • Luz Zoneibe, Leu Marc, Baumgartner Lukas Bouvier, Anne-Sophie, Bucher Hugo and Vennemann Torsten. 2023. New Insights on Micro‐Scale Variations of Geochemical and Oxygen Isotope Compositions in Conodont and Shark Tooth Bioapatite. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research. Link
  • Edward Oluwaseun, Leu Marc, Bucher Hugo, Le Houedec Sandrine, Blattmann Franziska, Vérard Christian, Adatte Thierry, Baud Aymon, Sonke E. Jeroen and Vennemann, Torsten. 2024. Evidence for variable provenance of Mercury anomalies during the Smithian-Spathian (Olenekian). Global and Planetary Change, 232, 104343. Link
  • Conference abstracts as co-author:
  • M. Brosse, H. Bucher, M. Leu, N. Goudemand. 2017. THE INDUAN CONODONT RECORD AT GURYUL RAVINE SECTION (KASHMIR, INDIA) AND ITS CONSEQUENCES FOR THE GRIESBACHIAN/DIENERIAN BOUNDARY. ICOS (International Conodont Symposium), 25-30 June, Valencia, Spain.
  • Bagherpour, B., Bucher, H., Yuan, D.X., Shen, S.Z., Leu, M. and Zhang, C., 2017. Did volcanic activity of the Emeishan large igneous province expand in Wuchiapingian times?. EGUGA, p.2057.
  • Widmann, P., Leu, M., Goudemand, N., Schaltegger, U. and Bucher, H., 2017. New high precision U-Pb calibration of the late Early-Triassic (Smithian-Spathian Boundary, South China). EGUGA, p.7218.
  • Luz, Z., Leu, M., Bucher, H. and Vennemann, T., 2019, January. Characterizing conodont biophosphate from the Early Triassic: an analytical and paleoclimatological approach. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 21).
  • Widmann, P., Bucher, H., Leu, M., Schneebeli-Hermann, E., Goudemand, N., Bagherpour, B. and Schaltegger, U., 2019, January. What triggered the largest Early Triassic extinction? Potential causes for end-Smithian extinction inferred from a new U/Pb-CA-ID-TIMS calibration. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 21).
  • Luz, Z., Leu, M., Baumgartner, L.P., Bucher, H. and Vennemann, T., 2020, May. New insights for studying phosphate stable oxygen isotopes in bioapatites interpreted from their geochemistry. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (p. 20624).
  • Luz, Z., Leu, M., Bucher, H., Vennemann, T. 2020 Evaluation of sea surface temperature gradient during the Smithian-Spathian (Early Triassic) using oxygen isotopes in conodont bioapatite. Swiss Geoscience Meeting (SGM), Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Oluwaseun Edward, Hugo Bucher, Marc Leu, Thierry Adatte, Aymon Baud, Torsten Vennemann. 2020 Do Tethyan mercury anomalies reflect a global volcanic trigger for the Smithian/Spathian boundary climatic and biotic crisis? 18th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Zurich
  • Z. Luz, M. Leu, O. Edward, L. P. Baumgartner, H. Bucher, T. Vennemann. 2020. Deciphering the Early Triassic paleocean using stable oxygen isotopes in conodont bioapatite. Goldschmidt2020.
  • Edward, O., Ragon, C., Leu, M., Spangenberg, J., Bucher, H. & Vennemann, T., 2023. Marine sulphur isotope records and environmental changes during the Smithian-Spathian transition insights from nearshore and offshore Tethyans uccessions. "ACROSS THE END-PERMIAN GREAT EXTINCTION: FROM FIELD STUDIES TO SCIENTIFIC RESULTS", UNIVERSITY OF LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND, AUGUST 29 TO SEPTEMBER 2, 2023.
  • Oluwaseun Edward, Jorge E. Spangenberg, Marc Leu, Charline Ragon, Sandrine Le Houedec, Aymon Baud, Hugo Bucher, Torsten Vennemann. 2024. Olenekian sulfur isotope records: Deciphering global trends, links to marine redox changes and faunal evolution. Chemical Geology,121984. Link

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